Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Well, thanks to the Spirit of Heinlein approach it's been a good day.

Words written: 3,000

Rejections: 3
Acceptances: 0
Submissions held for further consideration: 2

That's worth a couple of chocolate biscuits :)

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Thanks to Anthology Builder...

For accepting 3 more stories.

Hideki Desu, Hideki and the Gnomes, and Figgis' Elixir are available to add to your custom anthology.


In the spirit of Heinlein

In the spirit of Heinlein's first rule, I wrote until 11:30 last night.

In the spirit of Heinlein's second rule, I completed a draft of a story that has been kicking about on my hard drive for a couple of months.

In the spirit of Heinlein's third rule I will not re-write what I wrote yesterday (though I might tweak it a little to suit submission guidelines--which is in effect editorial request).

In the spirit of Heinlein's fourth rule I will send it off tonight.

And if/when the rejection comes back, I will, in the spirit of Heinlein's fifth rule, send it on out again, and again, and again.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Heinlein's Rules

Time out to assess where I am according to Robert Heinlein. From his 1947 essay "On the Writing of Speculative Fiction."


1. You must write.
I have close to one hundred short stories in various stages of development and three unfinished novels. Okay, so I write. Unfortunately I've been slacking recently. It's time to get back on target.

2. You must finish what you write.
To date I have finished about one third of the short stories I have started. Must get cracking on the other two thirds.

3. You must refrain from rewriting, except to editorial order.
Okay. I am guilty of tweaking the odd story when it turns up in my rejection box. Who wouldn't? Sorry Robert, I sometimes fail here, but I am learning to let go of my babies.

4. You must put the work on the market.
Check box. To date I have submitted 33 stories to 82 different markets.

5. You must keep the work on the market until it is sold.
15 acceptances.
88 rejections.
8 submissions lost in the ether, probably never to be seen again.
12 stories pending response.

What is the use of a story that is not told. What is the use of letting a story rot away on the hard drive? Time to set a goal. I'm not going for numbers here. I'm going for persistance, because what Heinlein is saying is clearly that if you are persistant and keep throwing it, some will stick. From today, I will be more persistant in my efforts to get my stories out there for the world to read.